Join Our Tanzgruppen
The Toledo Holzhacker Buam primarily practices Bavarian and Tyrolean culture by performing traditional dances. Interested in joining the fun? Here's how:
Our Kindergruppe, or Children's Group, is made up of young dancers ages 2-16. They learn and perform a variety of folk dances, as well as some of the adult level plattling. Once a dancer reaches the age of 16, they "graduate" to the Adult Tanzgruppe and receive their Adult Tracht (traditional clothing).
Adult Tanzgruppe
Our Adult Tanzgruppe is made up of dancers of all ages, over the age of 16. They perform several traditional Bavarian dances and Plattlers. The Adult Group performs at multiple German festivals around the country, has competed in international competitions, and has performed on stages around the world.
ATTEND A Practice
The Toledo Holzhacker Buam practices on Monday nights at Oak Shade Grove in the Swiss Haus, the building to the left upon entrance to the Grove. All are welcome to join us for practice!
Kindergruppe practice begins at 6:30pm.
Adult Tanzgruppe practice begins at 7:15pm.
Oak Shade Grove | 3624 Seaman Rd. Oregon, OH
For more information, Contact Us!
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