The Gauverband Nordamerika is an organization that aims to uphold and celebrate Bavarian and Austrian culture. Every two years, the Gau (for short) hosts a four-day convention.

At the Gaufest, clubs from all over the US and Canada come together to share different dances, Tracht (traditional clothing), music, and culture. We often have guests from clubs in Germany and Austria too.

During the Gaufest, there are workshops on how to learn new dances, music, Tracht care, and history, there is a Bavarian Bauernmesse (folk mass), there are individual and group dance competitions, and much more.

The location changes with each Fest and is bid on and voted on by all member groups. The Gaufest usually takes place over July 4th weekend, but sometimes moves due to scheduling conflicts/opportunities with the host group. 

Interested in attending a Gaufest? Join our Gruppe to learn more!